Monday, May 18, 2009

Life is good!

Between work, sleep, and watching What Not to Wear and the Food Network...I've been trying my best to take advantage of the fabulous warmer weather! I'm so thankful to have a nice park with a cool lake that's close enough to walk's an extra incentive to get out and walk! I also decided to test out my green thumb this year and plant some flowers, snap peas and tomato plants. They're all just in pots, so I'm excited to see how they turn out! Hopefully I'll have little tomatoes before too long :)

I'm also super excited about a little trip to Alberta coming up in August! It still seems so far away, but it's definitely creeping up so fast. I can't wait to see everyone, to see Lisa and Ryan get married, and to see the little babies and how much they've grown up! I miss everyone like crazy...I can't believe it's been over a year.

I've also had a new relationship development in my life in the last couple of weeks. It's kind of exciting, and it's a bit of an adjustment, but it's a good adjustment! It's been so long since I've been in a relationship that I kind of forget what it's like!

He's a very sweet guy, calls when he says he will, he's totally fun to hang out with, and it's one of those situations where I feel like I can be myself and not worry about what he's going to think of that. I guess I'm really excited to see what happens :)

He's also a truck driver, so he's gone during the week and usually home on the weekends. It actually works out pretty good because my work-a-holic self can work and do my own thing during the week, but I still have someone to talk with and spend time with once in awhile too.

Anyway, that's it for now..I filled my blog quota...maybe it'll be less than 3 months before I post again :)

1 comment:

jill s said...

i'm so glad you're here nancee.

and i'm so glad things are going good for you!