Monday, January 21, 2008
social butterfly
I'm making the shift in my life from "bored out of my mind" to "trying to find time for myself", and it's kind of a cool thing. I started playing floor hockey 1 night a week, and it's been a ton of fun! I've been trying to exercise more regularly, and I bought an exercise bike that I've been using, but playing with other people is definitely a more fun option.
Also, last week I got to go to a couple of different schools to do some staff recruiting for the camp. One of those schools was Ambrose University College (formerly known as Nazarene University College), where I used to attend. The school has changed a lot (for the better), but some of the staff are the same and a couple of people that I went to school with are now on staff it was awesome to spend time with them. I also made a visit to MySub, probably the best sub place I've been to!
It was also really cool to hang out with staff members from other camps. It's like you already have so much in common with them because of your job, but camp ministry is also a way of life. It's awesome to connect with people who live in that same way and have the same passion for their area of ministry too.
Then this weekend I went to a young adults gathering/small group thing at a Nazarene church in Calgary. I wish I could go all the time, but it's kind of a drive to go every week...but this week was awesome. We talked about what it means to be made in the image of God and how part of our humanity is included in that...the fact that we're made for relationships, we're made to be spiritual, to be logical and to be creative. I always love discussing things like that with other people because you always learn a lot from others...they bring a whole different perspective to things you may have heard before. Anyway, after that a group of us went out and it happened that I was the only girl in this group of about 8 guys. This is usually not a bad thing...but I sorta forgot what it's like to hang out with with guys who don't care if a girl is present. Let's just say there was a lot of conversation about puke, poop, girls...etc...definitely enlightening for me :)
Anyway, in is great. I'm totally at a point where I feel satisfied with all of the different things that my life is made up of...and that is such a great feeling.
Saturday, January 5, 2008

So yes, it was a very good visit.
Also, my parents had a ceremony where they renewed their wedding vows on their 30th anniversay. It was really cool to be there to witness that after the journey and roller coaster that our family has been on for the last 30 years. I know that all families go through things like that, but I can't imagine the strain on a marriage when your family and children are changing every week. I think it was really cool that they chose to do that and kind of "start over" in a way at the time in their lives when our family has reached a bit of a "regular" rhythm.
It was also really cool to see some people that were there that we hadn't seen in a a LONG time. It's pretty awesome to be reminded of the effects that my parents have had on people's lives.
Anyway, this week I've been back to's amazing how busy it can be around here with no groups in or nothing REALLY going on.
Also, yesterday I went through my clothes and managed to get rid of a lot of stuff. That is definitely a cleansing feeling to house is pretty small, so anything I can get rid of that I don't need helps out in that area. Speaking of my are some pictures....