B is for "boy was it fun" and...
C is for Confession
So I did something that I'm not necessarily proud of...but the problem is that I didn't really feel guilty about it. It sort of scared me that I knew it was wrong, but I still didn't really care about the consequences and I justified it because it made ME feel good. I realized that those thoughts meant that I was extremely inwardly focused (again) and that I need to get outside myself make a decision about what to do next in relation to that action.
Anyway...here are a couple of random pictures that I felt the need to post since it's been so long since I've posted here.
We had to take advantage of some great weather this summer and hung out at the beach in Holland...Gracey, Jesse and Zion had a lot of fun playing in the sand

out...it looks like it came right out of 1900
I also decided that for Christmas this year I would like to send money and/or gifts to other people instead of receiving gifts myself. I haven't done a lot of giving this year because I've been a little financially unstable with all of the changes going on in my life...so it's something I would really like to do.
World Vision is an organization that is incredibly awesome as far as providing aid to countries all around the world to help people grow their own food, helping with water purification, AIDS awareness and also helping children to go to school. I've been sponsoring a child through World Vision for about 4 years, but they can always use money for their general work as well.

There is also an organization here in Hudsonville called Love INC. They help a lot of people in churches to connect with needs that are in the community, they collect used items/appliances/bikes/etc and refurbish them and sell them to anyone who needs any of those items. This year one of their projects is called "Camp Bag Project", and it stood out to me as something to get involved with. They are collecting items and money for scholarships to help send kids to camp this summer. Because I've been involved in Christian camps for awhile, I've definitely seen how awesome Camp Ministry is to kids, and I've seen a LOT of kids that show up for registration with no Bibles, soap, shampoo, or other basic needs. Follow this link for a list of all of the items they would like. http://www.loveinthenameofchrist.org/campbag.php
So yeah...that's what I want for Christmas :)
i'm SO happy that you updated your blog!
i love that picture of you laughing! SO cute.
and that's a very selfless thing to ask for...you are sweet.
i'm so glad you live here nancee. and i'm happy that you are my friend. :)
Hey Nancee! Just thought I'd say hey, and that I checked out your blog!
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