We had to take advantage of some great weather this summer and hung out at the beach in Holland...Gracey, Jesse and Zion had a lot of fun playing in the sand

I've struggled with insecurity a LOT in my life so far, and even though I know that it's something I will continue to struggle with, it shouldn't consume me as much as it has been. The bottom line is...
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139: 14)
I need to be...
-secure in myself and my abilities
-secure in my relationships with my friends-they love me, that's why they hang out with me. Just because they look at me a certain way, or call less frequently than I would like them to, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with me.
-secure in my relationships with my co-workers. Just because they don't always tell me I'm doing a good job, or they like what I'm doing...I need to remember that that's not why I'm here working.
-secure in my relationship with God
-secure in my appearance
-secure in my future
-secure in my finances
....and secure in everything else as well.
I am finding lately that because I'm not secure in those things, I am always consumed with improving myself, when I REALLY need to focus on OTHERS and how I can help them, or improving my performance at work, thinking of new ideas, etc, etc, etc. It's a little frustrating because it's been such an ongoing struggle, but I think that if I do concentrate on that as my "word" this year...it'll be a constant reminder to be secure in those things, and it may improve other areas of my life as well.
Also, by writing this, I give you COMPLETE permission to call me out on any insecure statements that I may make. I definitely need help with this stuff, I obviously can't do it alone.
The truth is...
-I am pretty cool, even if I'm not great at everything that I do...I do have some good qualities :)
-I have AMAZING friends
-God is awesome and is faithful to me every day
-I have more than enough money to take care of the things that I need
So yes, it was a very good visit.
Also, my parents had a ceremony where they renewed their wedding vows on their 30th anniversay. It was really cool to be there to witness that after the journey and roller coaster that our family has been on for the last 30 years. I know that all families go through things like that, but I can't imagine the strain on a marriage when your family and children are changing every week. I think it was really cool that they chose to do that and kind of "start over" in a way at the time in their lives when our family has reached a bit of a "regular" rhythm.
It was also really cool to see some people that were there that we hadn't seen in a a LONG time. It's pretty awesome to be reminded of the effects that my parents have had on people's lives.
Anyway, this week I've been back to work...it's amazing how busy it can be around here with no groups in or nothing REALLY going on.
Also, yesterday I went through my clothes and managed to get rid of a lot of stuff. That is definitely a cleansing feeling to me...my house is pretty small, so anything I can get rid of that I don't need helps out in that area. Speaking of my house...here are some pictures....